I’m often faced with situations when I need to scan entire subnets to find devices and either perform an inventory or run a remote PowerShell command on all the devices on a subnet. It’s quite simple to generate the list of IPs for a /24 subnet but is a little trickier for the other subnets, e.g. a /12. Anyways, long story short. Here is a PowerShell function that will output an array of all the IPs on a particular subnet.
You can run it as below:
-Subnets “″,””
For example:
You can then pipe out the IPs so you can run a command on each:
Get-IPs -Subnets “″,”” | % {Do something on $_}
The function is below. Happy scripting.
function Get-IPs {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[array] $Subnets
foreach ($subnet in $subnets)
#Split IP and subnet
$IP = ($Subnet -split “/”)[0]
$SubnetBits = ($Subnet -split “/”)[1]
#Convert IP into binary
#Split IP into different octects and for each one, figure out the binary with leading zeros and add to the total
$Octets = $IP -split “.”
$IPInBinary = @()
foreach($Octet in $Octets)
#convert to binary
$OctetInBinary = [convert]::ToString($Octet,2)
#get length of binary string add leading zeros to make octet
$OctetInBinary = (“0” * (8 – ($OctetInBinary).Length) + $OctetInBinary)
$IPInBinary = $IPInBinary + $OctetInBinary
$IPInBinary = $IPInBinary -join “”
#Get network ID by subtracting subnet mask
$HostBits = 32-$SubnetBits
$NetworkIDInBinary = $IPInBinary.Substring(0,$SubnetBits)
$HostIDInBinary = $IPInBinary.Substring($SubnetBits,$HostBits)
#Work out all the host IDs in that subnet by cycling through $i from 1 up to max $HostIDInBinary (i.e. 1s stringed up to $HostBits)
#Work out max $HostIDInBinary
$imax = [convert]::ToInt32((“1” * $HostBits),2) -1
$IPs = @()
#Next ID is first network ID converted to decimal plus $i then converted to binary
For ($i = 1 ; $i -le $imax ; $i++)
#Convert to decimal and add $i
$NextHostIDInDecimal = ([convert]::ToInt32($HostIDInBinary,2) + $i)
#Convert back to binary
$NextHostIDInBinary = [convert]::ToString($NextHostIDInDecimal,2)
#Add leading zeros
#Number of zeros to add
$NoOfZerosToAdd = $HostIDInBinary.Length – $NextHostIDInBinary.Length
$NextHostIDInBinary = (“0” * $NoOfZerosToAdd) + $NextHostIDInBinary
#Work out next IP
#Add networkID to hostID
$NextIPInBinary = $NetworkIDInBinary + $NextHostIDInBinary
#Split into octets and separate by . then join
$IP = @()
For ($x = 1 ; $x -le 4 ; $x++)
#Work out start character position
$StartCharNumber = ($x-1)*8
#Get octet in binary
$IPOctetInBinary = $NextIPInBinary.Substring($StartCharNumber,8)
#Convert octet into decimal
$IPOctetInDecimal = [convert]::ToInt32($IPOctetInBinary,2)
#Add octet to IP
$IP += $IPOctetInDecimal
#Separate by .
$IP = $IP -join “.”
$IPs += $IP