So, another rather standard day but made a little more interesting with some new tips on getting your PowerShell functions to provide some more feedback. We’re going to look at how to get your script to use the -Verbose and -Debug parameters.
Simple function
Okay, so our simple function is below. It just takes a Message parameter of and outputs Welcome <message> in green.
function Welcome
Write-Host Welcome $message -ForegroundColor Green
We can run the function as below:
Welcome -Message “to my blog!”
Nothing really that interesting here. Let’s move on.
Add -Verbose and -Debug to a PowerShell function
Here I’m adding another part to the script – [cmdletbinding()]. This automatically adds the -Verbose and -Debug parameters to the script and does all the logic behind it. By default, Write-Verbose doesn’t actually produce an output.
function Welcome
[cmdletbinding()] #This provides the function with the -Verbose and -Debug parameters
#Verbose – this is only shown if the -Verbose switch is used
Write-Verbose -Message “This is verbose output”
#Debug – this causes the script to halt at this point
Write-Debug “This is debugging information”
#Actual function
Write-Host Welcome $message -ForegroundColor Green
We can now run the function and specify the -Verbose parameter and we can see we’re now getting the output from Write-Verbose:
Welcome -Message “to my blog!” -Verbose
Let’s test out -Debug now. Debug is useful for when you’re debugging your script (who would have thought). Basically, it outputs Write-Debug, pauses the script and asks for you to either continue running it or to halt it. Write-Debug could contain more than just text. For example, if you want to check the value of a variable before it’s used, you can use Write-Debug to output the variable and then prompt you to either continue or halt the script.
Welcome -Message “to my blog!” -Debug
I selected Y and so it continued running the rest of the script:
So, there you have it. How to add -Verbose and -Debug into your functions.